Today for the second interview of BBI we have the awesome book blogger, Alex from Electrifying Reviews.
Thank you sooo much for doing this interview, Alex! I know that everyone who reads this post really appreciates it! I know that what you have to say shocks us all....! Yep, he came up with that not me...I'm not that smart!
Tell us a little bit about your self as a blogger and your blog.
What makes your blog personal to you?
Everything there makes it personal to me, because I essentially did everything. The design work is done by professional designers, but every word you see there was written by me, for the most part.
If the Web suddenly disappeared, and there was only one part of your blog you could save, what would it be and why?
My review archive! Then I'd have all my reviews and could just start over.
How long have you been blogging and what advice would you give to new bloggers?
I've been blogging since December 2009. New bloggers, post quality content and not just a bunch of memes every week. Also, don't tweet people or comment with things such as "Check out my blog, link...." It's annoying and people most likely won't want to check it out.
What are your favorite books and covers of 2011?All time?

I get excited at every comment I receive, because I know that people are coming to my blog and actually
caring about the stuff I post. It's awesome whenever I get a new comment.
You are trapped on an island, and you can only have one series of books with you for the rest of your time on the island, what series would you chose? Why?
Harry Potter! They're huge so they would last a while, and whenever I read them I can just lose myself in the story.
What book world would you like to be in?
The Oracle of Dating! Mostly because it's based in New York City.
Have you enjoyed this feature so far? Do you recommend it to other bloggers?
What's not to like? It's always entertaining to find out more info on the people behind the blogs we know and love.
Thanks for the incredible interview, Alex! I'm sure everyone has loved it!
Check out Alex's Blog:
Electrifying Reviews
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Friend him or Follow his Reviews on Goodreads:
Alex Bennett
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Believe me...its really fun doing these least I hope so.......
Believe me...its really fun doing these least I hope so.......
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