Monday, June 20, 2011

Review: Rage by Jackie Morse Kessler

Title: Rage
Author: Jackie morse Kessler
Release Date: April 8th 2011 Publisher: Harcourt Graphia
Pages: 213
Source: Library

Synopsis (via Goodreads)

Missy didn’t mean to cut so deep. But after the party where she was humiliated in front of practically everyone in school, who could blame her for wanting some comfort? Sure, most people don’t find comfort in the touch of a razor blade, but Missy always was . . . different.
That’s why she was chosen to become one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: War. Now Missy wields a new kind of blade—a big, brutal sword that can cut down anyone and anything in her path. But it’s with this weapon in her hand that Missy learns something that could help her triumph over her own pain: control.
A unique approach to the topic of self-mutilation,Rage is the story of a young woman who discovers her own power and refuses to be defeated by the world.


This book was just wow. It was really just an amazing book! At first I wasn't sure about it because of Missy being all cut, cut, cut. But then I decided this isn't what I was expecting. Over the course of the book, I really fell in love with some of the characters. Death and Missy (of course!) were my favorites though. I have to say the characters were A+. It was easy to be able to get mad at them for the stupid things they did! Great characters make a book all that more enjoyable. With this one, I couldn't really predict what was going to happen. The plot wasn't extremely foggy, but foggy enough that at times you just didn't know. The writing in this was phenomenal! Everything was described in a way that I really felt like I was there. And believe me, I really wished I could have been. I felt like Missy becoming War was pretty fitting. At first I was a bit skeptical about it but as the book progressed, it just really all came together. And I really loved Ares too. I thought it was adorable how Missy was the only rider that had ever thanked him for his services and how he really came to love her and she came to love him. Overall, this was an excellent read that I would reccomend to anyone. 


Cover Thoughts: I really liked the significance of the sword on the cover. Really pretty!



  1. Thank you for sharing today, I have also had the same reservations, but now wishlist, wishlist :)

  2. The book is really great! It definitely won't let you down. :)
